Wednesday, October 18, 2006

New Liberal Talk Radio

Oh excuse me... Progressive Talk Radio. The word liberal, which best describes such drivel, is a losing term which must be avoided.

Air America has filed for bankruptcy, but another liberal radio network appears poised to see if the concept can work if done with others in charge.
Nova M Radio, Inc. based in Phoenix, Arizona officially announced the formation of its new progressive talk radio network, which will feature former Air America host Mike Malloy as one of its on-air personalities. The network is scheduled to debut October 30, just prior to the November elections.

And I will predict that the network will close down immediately after the election.

Liberalism hasn't nearly the following that conservatism has. Democrat politicians embrace liberalism when it's time to vote on bills, but run from the word on the campaign trail. Hence the clever "Progressive" mislabeling.

Democrats can be clever, fashionable and many other popular things...But their political beliefs - socialism - military weakness - and an anti-American kind of pseudo-patriotism... all these are losers.
...and no one wants to listen.

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