Sunday, May 10, 2009

Getting Naked for Dr Siebe

It's been almost eight years since Dr Siebe carved up my chest, and my brain, liver, and lungs are still cancer free... So I figure I'm a cancer survivor.

But once you've had a melanoma tumor removed, you have to return to the doctor once per year so he can check for suspicious spots. Dr S says I'm easy because I have very few moles and nothing suspicious for him to keep track of. Anyway, that's how I spent last Wednesday morning.

Actually, I just strip down to my underwear. Dr Siebe checks me over including my tushee, but then always asks, "You regularly self-examine your genital area don't you?" To which I always answer "Yes", though that used to be lying.

But then I bought one of those cosmetic mirrors with magnification, and now I do it all the time.

So thanks for saving my life, Dr Siebe! See you next year!



Tsofah said...

Gee, Malott, we women do this all the time! And at a younger age!

Not very thrilling, but, I'm sure you do as we...try not to think about how stylish fig leaves would be right then. grin

btw, I'm glad your doc saved your life too. You is a good person and friend.

janice said...

What Tsofah said.....

Grammy said...

Yay to being melanoma-free!!! And may stirrups never be part of your medical lexicon.

Tsofah said...


You crack me up!

I think the only way Malott will be exposed to stirrups is if hemorroids have to be surgically excised. And I wouldn't wish that on ANYONE, let alone someone I like! :-D

Tsofah said...

Hey, Malott? I forgot to tell you....your post FINALLY got me to see a dermatologist and have a "mole checkup". Well, all the moles were fine, non-cancerous type. The doc DID agree to freeze off one of the moles because it had gotten big and was rubbing against my clothing and tearing (OUCH).

Oh, yeah, she wanted to know why someone my age still has acne. (As IF?) She then smiled and prescribed me some benxoyl peroxide wash which seems to be working really well!

And, well.....sigh. It's ALL YOUR FAULT that I'm healthy and free from melanoma and getting acne free because I went to the dermatologist! :-P ;-D

Oh yeah, Hubby says "Thank you! I've been trying to get her to the doc for years but she's stubborn as.....OW!"