Monday, March 24, 2008

Jackson Browne - Rock Me on the Water

"How long have I been sleeping,
How long have I been drifting alone through the night?
How long have I been running for that morning flight,
Through the whispered promises and the changing light,
Of the bed where we both lie,
Late for the sky."

When I was in college, many of the smart, sensitive girls were big fans of Jackson Browne. I know this, though I spent more time with the shallow bimbos, where I enjoyed more success. The smart girls usually weren't interested in me because they were... well... smart.

Anyway, no one wrote lyrics like Jackson Browne. Here are some samples:

"Everyone I've ever known has wished me well,
Anyway that's how it seems - it's hard to tell,
Maybe people only ask you how you're doing,
Because that's easier than letting on how little they could care.
But when you know you have a real friend somewhere,
Suddenly all the others are so much easier to bear."

"It's like you're standing in the window,
Of a house nobody lives in,
And I'm sitting in a car across the way.
Let's just say it's an early model Chevrolet,
Let's just say it's a warm and windy day.
You go and pack your sorrow,
The trash man comes tomorrow.
Leave it at the curb,
And we'll just drive away."

"If you need me, like I know I need you,
There's just the one thing I'll ask you to do,
Take my hand and lead me,
To the hole in your garden wall,
And pull me through."

"Now we're lying here,
So safe in the ruins of our pleasure,
Laughter marks the place where we have fallen."

And my personal favorite...

"You could be laughing at me,
You've got the right,
But you go on smiling..."

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