Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Huckabee Says "Cut Jeremiah Wright Some Slack"

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, who won Tennesee’s Republican primary, said that Americans should remember the South’s segregated past before judging the Rev. Jeremiah Wright too harshly.

Huckabee loves "All God's Children"... as long as they aren't Mormon.


janice said...

You got that right, his loathing for Romney was so obvious.

SkyePuppy said...

My daughter and I watched the Marx Brothers' Duck Soup last week, and each time I see "All God's Children" in your post, it reminds me of the movie. They have that big production number when the whole parliament (maybe even the whole country of Freedonia) sings, "We're Going To War," and part of the lyrics say, "All God's chilluns got guns..."

Anyway, it's hard to take Huckabee seriously with the Marx Brothers singing in your head. And it's hard to take him seriously when the Marx Brothers AREN'T singing in your head.

Malott said...

Harpo Huckabee...

The symmetry hurts my head.