Wednesday, January 09, 2008

She's Baaaack

I am oddly and uncharacteristically buoyed by Mrs, Clinton's victory in NH. Why? Obama and Clinton on social issues: No Difference. But on our country's defense? Obama frightens me.

And McCain...

Enough said.


janice said...

Where was that pic of McCain taken?

McCain and the "Huckster" won't get the nomination. It's going to be Mitt, Rudy or Fred. NH is not reflective of the nation as a whole. We have a few more states to go before we get nervous.

Mojo_Risin said...

Funny how as soon as Fred entered the race, he immediately lost all of his support. It's just weird. Are voters that fickle?

Jacob said...

Maybe it's cause Fred Thompson is CREEPY, MY GOD HE IS FRIGHTENINGLY CREEPY!!!!!!!

Excuse me.

SkyePuppy said...

I'm hoping you post something new really soon, because I hate coming over here and having HER pop up first thing.