Thursday, January 17, 2008

File Under "Shameless Pandering"

TIGERVILLE, S.C. — Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee yesterday continued to move to the right on immigration during this year's presidential campaign, signing a pledge to enforce immigration laws and to make all illegal aliens go home.

Yes, Mike "All God's Children" Huckabee has had a change of heart. He has seen the light... And the light is persuading Mike to round up some of "God's Children" and send them packing.

If shooting a few of "God's Children" would get him the nomination... Mike might be up for that, too.


SkyePuppy said...

Wasn't Huckabee one of the ones accusing Romney of flip-flopping on immigration? Talk about removing the speck from the other person's eye....

Tsofah said...

(I'm also upset by the push-button calls that slander all the other candidates Huckabee is doing as well)

As far as illegal immigration goes:

Yeah, but...I think the illegal immigrants SHOULD be made to go home, and come to the U.S. legally.

It may cost money, but think of the welfare and social security many of these folks are getting and NOT paying into.

For those who say no one else will do some of these job:

There are those with higher functioning disabilities that can do some of the jobs these illegals do.

Plus, there are labor jobs supervised prisoners can do.

Those who are using illegals to do work without fair pay aren't doing anyone a service. By using prisoners, you at least are costing the farmers any more money!