Saturday, June 30, 2007

Fred Thompson responds to Michael Moore challenge

I like this guy.


Mojo_Risin said...

Fred Thompson's a good speaker, I'll give him that. But this video is like everything else I've seen from him -- not one single drop of substance. It doesn't answer any of Moore's criticisms, but instead tries to "cool" his way out of the argument. Pretty cowardly. And too much like what we've already dealt with for the past 6 years.

SkyePuppy said...


Just curious. Are there any presidential candidates out there that you've seen who have one single drop of substance?

I've seen Fluff Edwards, Shrill Hillary, and Smooth-Talker Obama for the Dems, and I'm trying to locate some in the GOP, but finding a drop is a tough job. Maybe you can point me in the right direction...

Mojo_Risin said...

Not much... Of them all, the only ones who have put forward ANY ideas are Obama (with healthcare) and -- somewhat -- Edwards through his poverty foundation. Of the Republicans, only Ron Paul (with just a tinge of wacko-ness).

My strategy, as always, will be to vote for the one who seems least full of it and who seems to want to put in the effort needed to act as President. Thompson quit the Senate, so I don't trust him to have the stamina to be the President.

Tsofah said...

This was an attempt to dismiss Michael Moore as the @%#! disturber he tends to be. It did a good job, imho. As far as substance, Thompson has done several interviews (such as with Sean Hannity) regarding his stance on issues. I do not agree with him 100 percent on everything. I DO like him, as a person, actor, and the next president as the United States.

He definately has more common sense, or political savvy, and more domestic and foreign policy experience than all but one of the Dem frontrunners. Hillary gained her experience during her first term in office.

Politically, I'm an Independent - seeing the problems and pluses in both the Dems and Reps.

(Looking in mirror) But, I think I've become a "Fred Head".