Friday, June 08, 2007

Do They Finally Hear Us?

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate divisions that derailed a White House-backed immigration bill - for now, at least - mirror the U.S. society's deep differences over the issue, according to polling data, lawmakers and analysts. Those gaps will challenge any effort to get the measure back on track.


Close our porous borders with a fence and punish those who try to cross - start deporting those here illegally, and use the money saved on social programs and education to employ more INS and border agents.... Enforce our laws. Then talk to me about resolving the "illegals" problem through legislation.

The only thing that makes this an impossible problem to solve... Is the government's lack of will to solve it.


SkyePuppy said...

Kennedy is promising the bill will come back. Probably more like a zombification than a resurrection, though...

Malott said...

Fred Thompson gets it. He says we need to take care of the border problem [first].

Mojo_Risin said...

Fine. Build a fence at our southern border. What's that? 1000 miles of concrete and steel and barbed wire? How many years will that take? And how effective will it be? And how expensive to build and maintain?

Maybe we should build 2 walls between us and Mexico so that illegals have to get through both of them. More cost.

And add a security system that senses when there's activity in the neutral zone. How much more money? WIll Halliburton get the no-bid contract on that one? Probably. Then double the cost.

Fine, I know -- any expense is worth it to keep em out. I agree with that sentiment to a degree -- we do need to protect our borders. But the whole wall idea is totally impractical. An absolute waste of money because there is always a way around, through, over, or under a wall. No matter how high and no matter how thick.

And even if we do build a series of walls to the south. Then we'd have to build a wall across our entire northern border, as well. Otherwise, our southern neighbors will just float to Canada to be able to sneak in through THAT vast amount of unguarded wilderness. So add on another 3000 miles of ineffective double wall.

And on top of all that -- this is just a red herring. Sure, illegal immigration is a problem. But there are so many more important things we should be concentrating on -- take ANY issue concerning our infrastructure. Our education system is falling behind the rest of the world. Our healthcare system is failing a lot of our citizens. Medicare, Social Security, energy, political and corporate corruption. Let's take care of some serious problems first. We've had illegal immigration for hundreds of years. Why is it suddenly the #1 issue?

Or do you want to talk about gay marriage instead?