Monday, June 11, 2007

Dennis Miller: The Buck Does Stop Here


SkyePuppy said...

Ooh! Nice one!

Too bad Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, et al, don't talk like Dennis Miller. Whoever sounds most like Miller will probably get the GOP nomination.

Mojo_Risin said...

I really wish someone would explain to me how it makes even the slightest difference to the terrorists whether or not the know the exact date we are leaving. Why are people so afraid of setting a deadline here?

What are the options?
1) We stay until this nebulous war on terror is over? Bush has already said that the war on terror is going to last essentially forever (and I believe that). So will our forces be there forever then?
2) We give them a deadline or a set of deadlines? What happens then? Some people are saying that the terrorists will just wait us out and then start attacking again. But aren't there already terrorist attacks happening there every day? Are these the guys who didn't get the memo to wait until we leave? And if we tell them we're leaving on Thursday, they're going to suddenly decide to pull back and wait for us to leave? And if you're afraid of that, then we're back at Option 1 -- We have to stay there forever. And if you're afraid that giving deadlines will make them attack us harder, our only choice is...
3) We try to sneak out quietly -- a la Saigon -- to avoid letting them know we're leaving. OK, this can't happen. First off, nobody wants a repeat of that sad scene. Second, our presence there is so defined it will be impossible not to notice us preparing to leave. Then we're stuck with the scenario of #2.

Tsofah said...

Here's a thought:

We don't leave Iraq entirely. We did not leave Korea entirely. We didn't even leave Cuba entirely. (i.e. Gitmo).

Personally, I don't think we have really fought this war to win. Not yet, anyway. I'm tired of the U.S. being blamed for an uprising of terrorism. We weren't in Iraq when our Marine barracks in Lebanon was blown up three times. We weren't in Iraq the two times the WTC was attacked. We weren't in Iraq when the Achile Lauro was hijacked, or the TWA pilot was held hostage, or Zian Isa was working for terrorists in Missouri. What the U.S. has done has forced many more terrorists to show themselves. And, as usual, we blame ourselves and our leaders for defending our country.

Dennis Miller is speaking some truth here.

Btw, Thompson is beginning to speak some as well, Maybe it should be a Thompson/Miller ticket? Tell Miller to run for congress soon! We need a few sensible folks in our capitol! :-)