Saturday, June 27, 2009

I Talk to Myself

If you have been faithfully reading my blog for some time now, you not only have a strange notion of what constitutes time well spent, but you also have learned that Bachelors Die Young.

Another quality of bachelors that you may not yet have learned, is that we talk to ourselves... Out loud. For me it started when I was in my late thirties, and it has only gotten worse.

Earlier today I had this discussion, out loud... with me, "Well are you going to go to Kokomo or not? You'll have to stop at the bank. You don't really need anything, Chris. I can buy potatoes here in town... but I need some Pepsi and it's so expensive. I could buy those Correlle bowls at Mejher's but I don't really need those either. Well Chris, it's not like you're spending thousands of dollars on exciting vacations... if you want the bowls, buy them. For crying out loud, what did you spill on your pants? When did I do that? Gahhh... I'll have to change... Why can't you make a simple decision? You've always been this way..." And it went on from there.

Last week I was walking into a little meat market in Tipton, and noticed that a bank across the street was remodeling, and I said right out loud, (to no one but myself) "When did they start that? That's gonna look nice..." And immediately I caught myself and looked around to see if anyone had noticed. So it has definitely begun occurring outside the privacy of my home.

When I'm 75 I fully expect to be standing in Krogers talking out loud to the bell peppers, "Well now you're a ripe one, aren't you!"

For the record, I went to Kokomo, bought potatoes and Pespsi... and to the best of my knowledge, I did not have a man to spud conversation prior to purchase.

I didn't buy the bowls. We argued, and are still in negotiations.



Bekah said...

If it makes you feel any better, I talk to myself too - although sometimes I try to disguise it as talking to my cats. :) (That's probably even worse.) The part that is most embarrassing is when I'm writing, because sometimes it helps me get the thought out if I speak it. So I'll sit at the computer and talk out loud - complete with gestures - to get the right words. If I'm so caught up in writing that it gets dark and I forget to close the blinds - I do wonder what the neighbors think.

Grammy said...

Yeah...I'm with Bekah...I've got news for you...I talk to myself all the time, especially in the car. I always suspend my conversations at red lights or in heavy traffic so I don't look quite so crazy...but that's the way it goes. And I've seen some fine looking bell peppers lately.

SkyePuppy said...

Way back when I was 20, I knew I was a real programmer when I started talking to myself.


People who are auditory learners (like me (actually, I'm auditory-visual)) do best when they hear themselves say something. That's probably why you talk to the computer.

Grammy, these days you can buy a cell phone headset and put in your ear, and then when you talk to yourself in the car, people will think you're on the phone and not crazy.

Grammy said...

SP - I do use a Bluetooth all the time, but it still feels weird to be talking to the air around other people. Yes, for us auditory types, here is a lot to be said for hearing your own thoughts. I really do think it's a way of organizing them. The more sensory input, the better the retention.

Did anyone ever see the movie "The Apostle"? The Robert Duvall Character would pace around talking to and yelling at God. Now THAT'S talking?

Christina said...

For what it's worth, I talk to myself around the house all the time. I talk back to the talk show hosts on the radio while I'm in the car. When Em is with me, it looks normal. Not so much when I'm by myself.

Bekah, I talk out loud when I write something important too. It does help. I think that's just a good technique.

I have, on occasions when I've taken the dog to the vet or obedience school, talked to the dog like she was a person (think, when someone compliments her on how she looks, I have actually said to the dog "Can you say thank you?" because I am constantly reminding Emily to do that.)

Now that's a bit embarassing.

Chris, buy the bowls. Corelle lasts forever. It's a good investment.

Bekah said...

Christina, that's funny about the dog. But I've been known to tell Braeya to "tell Grandpa bye!" so maybe I'm right there with you. And I'm glad I'm not alone on talking to myself/computer while writing. I think part of the reason I do it is so much of what I write is stuff I end up teaching - and I need to know how it's goin to roll out loud.