Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Iranian Election

Fraud that Democrats can only dream of...

The White House has remained silent about the highly suspect outcome in the Iranian election. They're probably too busy taking notes. The supposed landslide victory of Ahmadinejad was denounced as treason by his reformist opponent, Mir Hossein Mousavi.

Here's how an Iranian election works... It's like ACORN on steroids. The religious leaders of the country decide who they want, and that guy wins the election. Now Obama said, "...ultimately the election is for the Iranians to decide," but Obama is of course a dumb ass. The religious guys in the turbans decide.

The protests in the streets of Tehran are kind of fun to watch... the Iranian people haven't seen this sort of action since the Iranian Revolution back in the 70's. And it will take another revolution for the elections in Iran to be fair.

Sort of like here.



SkyePuppy said...

The religious leaders of the country decide who they want, and that guy wins the election.

You missed a step: The religious leaders of the country decide who they want and who they will allow to run against him, and that guy wins the election.

There. Fixed it for you.

My favorite part, though: "[The White House is] probably too busy taking notes."

Malott said...


That's an important point. The so-called "reform" candidate may not have been all that different.

Tsofah said...


I think the White House is the one who dictated the notes for the Iranians...

DID I JUST SAY THAT? Wait a minute.

Yup, picked up my phone...there's a beeptone. They are already bugging my phone calls.