Wednesday, March 11, 2009

To Crazed Gunmen Everywhere...
A "Tip" from Uncle Malott

As you've probably heard, another loser much like yourself has gone on a rampage in Alabama, mercilessly killing nine human beings along with himself.

This pathetic piece of trash is now, without a doubt, burning in hell... For eternity. (And he thought his life here sucked!)

But when you finally spill your noodles and decide to do something stupid and senseless, an eternity in agony might easily be avoided if you simply off yourself before you go after anyone else!

Think of it! People in town would talk about... how you just couldn't take it anymore. Those who wronged you would feel guilty. Strangers you never even knew would consider the pain you must have suffered. How tragic. How pitiable! People would feel sorry for you. They would think you were a victim...
And not a detestable prick like the guy in Alabama!

Best of all, God might extend mercy and not give you over to eternal torment. :)

So do yourself a big favor. Shoot yourself first!

Good luck!



janice said...

Another helpful tip.....

Tsofah said...

I wonder if the world has gone crazy...

first the man who killed the pastor in the chuch in Illinois, and the guy in the trailer park, and this guy...

I feel sorry for their families.

Christina said...

I think a person who does this sort of thing must have underlying mental issues.

Understand, I'm not saying that's an excuse, but just simply that a rational person would never make that choice. While I suppose I could imagine someone feeling desperate enough to take his own life, I cannot understand just randomly killing others.

It is sad and unfortunately, unpredictable. Like Tsofah, I feel sorry for all the families of such senseless violence.

Christina said...

Okay Chris, where are you? You've been awfully quiet lately. Everything okay?

Hope you're feeling better with your blood pressure meds and that you're just taking some time away from the computer to do something fun.