Friday, January 23, 2009

I Pledge Allegiance to the Past

Last November we observed cheating in elections... Stolen elections. We sadly acknowledge that any hope we had of overturning Roe is dead... And that coast to coast Gay Marriage is now a certainty...

We are heartened as our brave sons and daughters continue to step forward and serve gallantly... But are incensed as their political leaders slander them, and treasonously undermine their efforts.

We helplessly watch as the will of the people is overruled by judicial tyranny.

We see a good and accomplished Christian woman mercilessly lampooned and defamed for the sake of political expediency.

We suffer as our economy flounders, as the Political Party whose policies created the problem thrives on those very failings.

We watch as a lawful, civilized ally, threatened on all sides by our mutual enemy, struggles to survive... And wonder if our country will continue to stand with her.

We watch as our once good, even devout culture deteriorates into a graceless, ignorant mob.

I love my country, but what has she become? I'm not sure I recognize her anymore... And it is my understanding, my beliefs, and my identity that become more alien each day.

So I'll pledge allegiance to the past. And as my country continues its journey into a new darkness, I'll take comfort in the fact that my first allegiance has always been to The Lamb. Throughout history every tyrant and every sinful, corrupt nation have eventually fallen or faded to insignificance. But one high, unimpeachable, and exalted figure still towers triumphantly above them all... The Lord Jesus Christ. And He remains mankind's one truth and only hope.



janice said...

Amen Chris, amen....

Ouststanding post.

Tsofah said...

Truthful, well said, and sad. May G-d restore our nation and it's people to that which He would have us be.

Grammy said...

I've been re-reading 1984. Good timing. Could be time to re-visit Atlas Shrugged. Too bad Rand was an atheist.

Grammy said...

If things are to turn around it has to happen with the next generation, and the next generation looks clearly poised to keep swinging wildly toward amoral socialism. I have a wild notion! I think all parents in America should refuse to pay for their children's college. College is a breeding ground of non-accountability. Think about it. It is a fatally flawed system when the consumer (the student) does not pay for the product consumed (college education). This is white collar entitlement thinking. If people had to pay for their own education, the colleges would be samller, less crazy and students would come in with a no-nonsense expectation that they want their money's worth and they don't want to pay for a bunch of ridiculous non-academic social engineering experimentation. They'd also be older and more mature because they'd have to spend some time working to earn money to pay for their education. College professors might actually think of their students as customers instead of raw material to be plied into leftist drones.

Jacob said...
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Jacob said...

Was it the word 'masturbate' or the assumption that you're straight the most offensive part about that comment? I'm intrigued.

Malott said...


I generally appreciate your comments - you often have interesting things to add. But nice, moral people visit here... And it was a post about the Lord, afterall.

Jacob said...

Ah yes, in my absent mindedness, I forgot that, unlike mere mortals like myself who are neither nice nor possessing any morals, Authentic Christians™ don't masturbate or think anything that the baby Jesus would frown upon.

I postrate myself at the Lord's feet and beg his forgiveness. Oh Yeshua! I know not what I do!

Lydia said...

Hi. This was an interesting post, most definitely. What strikes me so strongly is that you are now feeling how I felt the past eight years. It would be funny if it wasn't so crucial that we at least try to understand one another. I will continue to visit your blog occasionally to take the temperature, so to speak. It's important that I listen because no Bushies paid me that courtesy in the last eight years.

Did you read or hear the letter the Bush twins wrote to the Obama girls? Brian Williams featured it on his newscast Friday night. It's worth finding because it's so darned sweet, and at the end they are telling Malia and Sasha about their dad and who they know him to be and that they must always remember who their dad really is, too. And I had tears in my eyes when I realized that Bush and Obama are both good men, both love their country and their families. They simply see things differently which is, of course, why we have the two-party system. One isn't good and the other bad, nor does God love one more than the other (nor does one of them love God more than the other).

So, as you lament and seriously worry over the future of the United States, please realize that the majority of your fellow Americans are feeling terrific about this new administration. We had to trust you when your majority gave us Bush and company. I suggest you, too, trust that the course of history is in good hands. All is well.

I DO understand how you feel and that's why I hurt for you....

Grammy said...

Lydia - I've thought long and hard about what you say and it isn't lost on me that the tables have turned and that people on the left have agonized over the last 8 years just like we on the right will agonize over the next X years. I can't take from that any comfort that the future is in good hands. I just don't think it is. I'm sure Obama is a good and loving husband and father and is a good example as such. But I think he's a socialist at heart and will lead us down the road of expanding government subisidies and controls. Obama has said a lot of good things about personal responsibility and initiative, but you'd have to be blind and deaf if you didn't get it that a huge proprotion of his supporters are not hearing that message. They are waiting in HOPE that he will come to their rescue and make their lives better through government programs.

Government charity is a cold and nameless machine that eliminates accountability and perpetuates poverty. When people have needs, we need to look deep into each others eyes and hearts. The giver's heart needs to be broken by the other's needs, and the receiver needs to know that someone cared enough to make a personal sacrifice to meet his need. Then we all grow and respect ourselves and each other. Liberalism is supposedly the politics of warmth and compassion. I think the opposite is true. We're in for a huge national cooling.