Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Palin and Clinton on SNL

So Palin is a little idiot woman and Hillary is a man-eating shrew. No sexism... No stereotypes here...


Lydia said...

Hey, it's called humor!

I made a point of watching the season premier of Saturday Night Live, in hopes they'd come up with a great campaign zinger like in the days of old when you could count on them to do that. Of course, Amy Poeler has been playing Hillary for months now and has been funny doing so. But there was nothing like the opening skit with Tina Fey as Sarah Palin. Her comedic genius amazes me. I just hope she doesn't re-join SNL to play Palin, as I fear people will vote for McCain-Palin just to ensure that they'll have four hysterical years of Tinah Feylin!

Malott said...


Yes, it was definitely funny...

But I would have had Palin say, "I'm an expert on oil exploration and production."

And Hillary would answer, "And I want gas to cost 10 dollars per gallon... To save the planet."

Lydia said...

I'd pay 10 a gallon and more to save the planet. And anyone who wouldn't simply cares about themselves and not a whit about all the lifeforms here and all the life that is to come (if we'll just get real and do our part to allow life in the future).

I thought the humor hit the strengths and vulnerabilities of both women. And it sure looks like the folks at Fox loved the heck out of this piece, from what I watched last night on YouTube!

Bryan Alexander said...

I love Sarah Palin and I have to admit, I thought it was pretty funny. I heard where even Sarah Palin herself said that she thought it was funny, which I was glad to hear. It doesn't hurt to laugh at ourselves, and as a conservative, I don't think it hurts to laugh at something like this.

BTW, lydia, you might pay $10 a gallon to save the planet. The only thing is, nobody needs to spend that much to save the planet. This planet is doing just fine, in spite of what far too many people want us to believe.

Bryan Alexander said...


Did you really post this at 3:11 AM?

Malott said...


$10 per gallon gas is an incredible burden on poor people. Even the ones that don't drive have to pay more for groceries.

I know "man-made" global warming is a popular and fashionable thing, but to allow so many of us to suffer for an unproven phenomenon seems almost cruel.


Yes, this week I start work at 0400... Until my buddy gets back from vacation.