Friday, February 16, 2007

God is for Suckers

Through Five Public Opinions I found a site called God is for Suckers. Yes, there is actually a blog page dedicated to the trashing of God and believers.

Or as GIFS puts it: Commentary, news, and rants on the evils and stupidity of belief in the big invisible daddy in the sky. Illuminating and watchdogging the widespread attempts to institutionalize the theocratic rule of the US. Making fun of believers everywhere.

That's nice. But if God really is for suckers, may I submit the following...

Morals are for suckers.

Giving to charity is for suckers.

Observing laws when no one is looking is for suckers.

Having children, for any other reason than stem cell production, is for suckers.

Saving the planet from any death that comes after mine is for suckers.

If we are just evolved animals without a soul, then don't talk to me about responsibility and don't try to tell me what is good. Don't talk to me about your little sense of right and wrong - or justice - because I'm not interested - Because it doesn't matter.

Religion is the linchpin that keeps the wheels on society. It is the basis for our laws and the general way we treat each other. Without God... we are just animals.

People who feel the need to trash religion might want to stop and consider what the world would be like without it.


SkyePuppy said...

Funny that they discuss the "evils" of belief in God. If there is no God, there is no evil. There's only what hurts me, or conversely, what pleases me.

As for the "big invisible daddy in the sky," many God-deniers opt for the big invisible daddy in Washington or in the courts.

Malott said...


The thing that stuck out in my mind was that someone tends this blog daily - evidently feels threatened enough or is angry enough - to devote so much time opposing God.

Pretty bizarre.

SkyePuppy said...


You mistake the atheists' motives. They're doing you and me a service by showing us the error of our God-believing ways. And if we won't come around after they use all their powers of reason on us, then they'll mock us for our stupidity.

Arthur_Vandelay said...

Morals are for suckers.

Atheists don't act morally?

Giving to charity is for suckers.

Atheists don't give to charity?

Observing laws when no one is looking is for suckers.

Atheists can't be law-abiding?

Having children, for any other reason than stem cell production, is for suckers.

Atheists only have children for stem cell production???

Seriously, Malott--you must realise how ridiculous these assertions sound?

Malott said...


"God is for suckers" is what I find ridiculous.

Atheists, and our culture in general owes so much (yes, even in [this] life) to the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus.

You can deny or disregard that as GIFS does, but it doesn't help your arguments.

Arthur_Vandelay said...

It would be ahistorical to deny the influence of Judeo-Christian legal codes in the legal framework of Western liberal democracies. Until relatively recently, most Western societies were theocracies. It would be equally ahistorical to deny the influence of non-Judeo-Christian legal codes, namely those of Greece and Rome. And it would be an outright denial of reality not to recognise that most of these societies have subsequently developed into secular liberal democracies--in which "because God/Jesus/the Bible said so" is no longer regarded as an appropriate or sufficient justification for pursuing this or that public policy. (That's the influence of the Enlightenment.)

But what does any of this have to do with your list of unsubstantiated assertions about atheists?