Saturday, February 24, 2007

Failed Policy

Alright! I'll admit it! No mas!

The war in Iraq is a "failed policy."

Reviewing... Throughout the world organized radical elements of the Islamic Faith declared war on us and attacked... Repeatedly. Republicans and Democrats finally banded together and voted to take preemptive action. We struck back. We went after countries that harbored our enemies. But in the process we lost over 3000 soldiers.

Now I don't know how the world - or our country - would look if those 3000 soldiers had stayed home. I don't know if the bombers in Iraq would currently be targeting U.S. cities. But I do know that too many soldiers are dead now - and it's President Bush's fault. Well... His and the terrorists... but mostly his.

Now in the future, before spending billions of dollars sending our troops to die in foreign lands, let's all take a poll and decide how many deaths are acceptable to protect our freedom and security. If on September 12th 2001 President Bush had commissioned such a poll, the American people would no doubt have said, "Oh... If you can keep our cities from being attacked by terrorists, you have our permission to sacrifice 3, maybe 4 hundred guys. If that doesn't work, we'll just give up."

We probably should have just sent Madeline Albright to the Middle East in the first place. She could have offered missile technology to Iraq and Iran in exchange for their assurance of non-aggression. Surely Secretary Albright's policies would work better among the level-headed Middle East leaders than they did in North Korea. And most of those 3000 soldiers would still be alive!

It's time President Bush gave peace a chance.


janice said...

Great post, Chris.

Have you heard the British ad (I heard it on Bill Bennett's show) showing what the world would look like if America cease to exist? It may be on you tube, you need to link it to your next post.

Anonymous said...

Crappy post, Chris.

Next time post the picture of Rummy and his old pal, Saddam.

How about we don't create problems that have to sacrifice American lives for in later years.

Remember, we gave Saddam his WMD and we trained Bin Laden.

And -- so far -- there hasn't been an American life lost due to a (recent) conflict with North Korea.