Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Saddam and Mass Murder

Skyepuppy has an interesting post comparing the mass graves found in Iraq to the Nazi death camp, Treblinka. You'll find it here:

...Always good reading from Skyepuppy.

It amazes me when I consider how bold and fearless Radical Muslims are when they deal with the U.S. and Israel. They don't fear us. Yet Saddam was able to hold them in check. I sometimes wonder if our "civilized" treatment of these uncivilized monsters precipitates, in the long run, more suffering on the Iraqi general public than did Saddam's brutality.

If we handled an uprising in Felusia by bombing Felusia until it was a swamp, how would it effect the quality of life elsewhere in Iraq?

If Israel actually fought the war they are in... (the elephant in the living room that they so artfully ignore) If they used the superior power they possess to crush pitilessly the pitiless monsters of Hamas... If they did what Hamas would do if they could... What would be the result?

We're not fighting Hitler's Germany. We're not even fighting King George's Redcoats. We are fighting "nice" against a medieval mentality that doesn't respond to "nice."

I can't see it happening, but I sometimes wonder if the medieval ugliness of Radical Islam was answered in kind... if we got "medieval" on Radical Islam, what would be the result?

With some people, you just can't be nice.


janice said...

You hit mark Chris,
muslims respect power and strength. I liken them to dogs. When you train a dog he'll respond to your commands once he's been shown who's boss.
Great post!

SkyePuppy said...

Thanks for the link, Chris!

With some people, you just can't be nice.

That's a lesson the GOP has trouble remembering. They seem to learn it now and then, here and there. But it's not a lesson they apply everywhere they should.

On second thought, the GOP (mostly) plays rough with our enemy, the jihadists, and they play nice in politics. Not that I think the GOP should send heat-seeking missiles to the left side of the Congressional aisle, but some rougher talk would be in order.

Meanwhile, the Dems play mean in politics, and they play nice with the jihadist enemy.

Both sides are frustrating, but the Dems are more likely to get us killed.

Great post!

Malott said...


Thanks. I think we can say for sure how they respond to weakness.


Great analysis on the difference between Repubs and Dems. Hadn't thought of it, but you're right.