Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Peter Heck on the Hostages

OK, OK... I know I already posted one of Mr Heck's pieces on my site today, but this is so insightful and good and well-written and timely... did I say insightful? ... that I had to include it here. Heck writes:

The plight of the Christian Peacemakers Team taken captive in Iraq has captivated much of the mainstream media. It would be nice if this occurred for altruistic reasons. Unfortunately, after watching a Nightline special on the story last night, the mainstream media seems interested to use it for one objective: partisan politics.

Though admittedly an inference on my part, the implication seemed to be quite apparent throughout the special: these are innocent people who have been taken captive by misunderstood freedom fighters who are merely trying to wrest control of their country away from the occupying American forces. In other words, it’s President Bush’s fault.

I don’t react to these people’s captivity and (God-forbid) impending doom with a sense of joy, happiness, or “you should have known better” contentment, any more than I do when cowardly nations who have attempted to appease these radical Islamists are attacked by the same. Indeed, we all should be praying for the captives’ release.

But as I watched this daughter last night speak directly to her father’s captors, saying something to the effect of, “Please release him and understand he is working for the same goals in Iraq you are,” I was overcome with sorrow for her and those like her. Americans who still do not understand that this is a war with people who cannot be pacified, cannot be appeased, cannot be placated, are hopelessly lost. These are murderous fascists intent on brutalizing and destroying anyone who stands in the way of their evil agenda. There can be no compromise or understanding with such evil.

The fact that these Islamo-fascists have captured and are undoubtedly preparing to execute a group of people who were in Iraq to castigate and criticize the American military efforts prove this reality. It’s the same lesson that Spain and France have and are learning the hard way. This truth should be met with universal indignation against such evil butchers, and a collective resolve to wage and win the war on terror. But that happens only when American left and their allies in the mainstream media recognize the truth that is before their eyes: radical Islam is our enemy, not George Bush. 2005-12-07

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