Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Democrats Demand Civil Liberties for Terrorists

With their political base continuing to shrink, Democrats have reached out to another minority in an effort to shore up their numbers. By denying an up-or-down vote on the Patriot Act and threatening the President over NSA eavesdropping, the Democrats hope to garner the coveted terrorist vote in the 2006 elections. Though running the risk that most Americans may be more concerned with their security than the rights of the murderers trying to kill them, the Democrats have decided to charge ahead in their efforts to "take the side" of the oppressed and under-represented terrorists here and around the world.

Note: This reporter has no access to the Democrat Leadership and must determine their intentions through observation and conjecture.

1 comment:

Bryan Alexander said...

Nice satire, Chris.

By the way, let me say that your blog has been outstanding. I don't get a chance to comment very often - it seems that it's all I can do sometimes to find time to write on my own blog, but I have really enjoyed your insight on many of the issues.