Saturday, February 05, 2011

The Winter from Hell

As you know, I've never been one to complain. I am the embodiment of optimism, the personification of buoyancy, and the very incarnation of good cheer. I laugh at hardship, I snicker at adversity...

But after the snow and the ice that we so recently endured, today we suffered another 5 or 6 inches of snow as Mother Nature lifted her skirt, dropped her panties, and took a huge dump on central Indiana. That bitch!

But spring will come... And my fancy will lightly turn to thoughts of love... And serious gardening. I will mow... I will till and sow... I will flirt with the comely widow across the street... Who has thus far only shown interest in my tomatoes. I will flourish... I will thrive... Unless current atmospheric burdens cause me to go postal and expunge all life from my neighborhood...

Ah... The sweet uncertainty....



Bekah said...

I was going to invite you over for smores tonight but alas, the fire pit is buried in our latest six inches of joy.

So plan b is to stay inside and make baked potato soup. I should probably start baking the potatoes.

Malott said...

Miss B...

Never eaten a smore as far as I can remember... The baked potato soup sounds more to my liking.

Now if I went postal in your neighborhood, I figure there would be fewer accusatory fingers pointed in my direction... I might beat the rap... Any neighbors currently troubling you? I mean... What are friends for?

Bekah said...

oh. my. goodness. You've never had a smore????????? How is this possible??

The soup was good. Might be my best round of it yet. :)

I haven't been accosted by any of my neighbors since the geriatric one down the way got a girlfriend. But it's good to know you're there on standby in case he breaks up with her and comes back and tries to kiss me again!