Monday, August 03, 2009

Putting a Face on it...


janice said...

And it was found in the Hollywood/LA area, no less.

Tammy Bruce dot com is selling t-shirts! I ordered mine before her site crashed from all the linked traffic!

I'll post pictures when it arrives.

Malott said...

Well we've seen Ted danson in "black face"...

I didn't know I could get a T-shirt?

SkyePuppy said...

I think Michelle Malkin has a link to where you can buy T-shirts.


Here's a link.

janice said...

Chris, I'm sure you know this is supposed to Obama as Heath Ledgers Joker, right?

There are some out there claiming this is racist and "pat" aka Janet Napolitano is on the case!

I didn't know being compared to a "dead drug addict in character" was considered racism.

Tsofah said...

At various places people are upset with "heal care reform". Just last night on TV I saw Sen Arlen Specter, Kathleen Sebelius, Congressman Russ Carnaham, and others taking heat from their constituents.

Pelosi's take? Well, regular people could not get that upset. Must be plants in the crowd form insurance companies.