Friday, October 10, 2008

Racism Dead in America

Good riddance!

The bad thing is... We're about to elect a socialist to the White House. The good thing is... The fact that an African American with a Muslim name is leading in the polls illustrates that racism in America is dead.

I would have preferred Condoleeza Rice over Vladimir's apprentice... But the fact remains America has changed for the better, if not the politically wiser.

So... No more race card. No more special consideration. No more walking on egg shells. No more "African" Americans. We're all just "Americans"... All grown up and sitting at the "big" table.

No more George. No more Republican majority... No more excuses.

Kum ba ya.


SkyePuppy said...

Did you hear that Sarah Palin is racist, because she wore white outfits two days in a row?

janice said...

If BHO is elected will Jesse Jackson and fellow race hustler, Al Sharpton, be out of a job?