Monday, October 06, 2008

Criticism = Racism

An AP writer has written that Governor Sarah Palin's linking of Barack Obama to domestic terrorist William Ayers carries a "racial tinge."

Palin's words avoid repulsing voters with overt racism. But is there another subtext for creating the false image of a black presidential nominee "palling around" with terrorists while assuring a predominantly white audience that he doesn't see their America?

The liberal AP writer is no doubt bitter that John McCain didn't launch his career from the home of Timothy McVeigh.

No. Association of any kind with a right wing extremist-bomber such as Timothy McVeigh would - for both liberals and conservatives - disqualify someone from running for public office. But associating with left wing extremist bombers, like William Ayers? ...What's wrong with that?

The fact that Barack Obama launched his political career from the home of William Ayers proves that he either sympathizes with a far left extremist bomber, or that he has incredibly poor judgement.

Or maybe both?

The race card! Don't try to elect a Leftist African American without it!



Tsofah said...


I've a video of Jackie Mason answering such accusations of racism on my blog. You might like it!

Grammy said...

I'll never understand undecided voters. What candidates say now means nothing. What they have done in the past means everything. It's our only way of knowing what to expect from them in the future. Nothing they can say now can change what they have done in the past. I guess it's just too much work to research candidates records. It's easier to listen to ear-tickling. These two candidates have records. I think we can expect Obama to continue to look down his nose while being "present", and John McCain to continue to be courageous in the face of evil. The economy is bad, but our #1 issue remains dealing with Islamic terrorism. Remember, the goal of the September 11th attacks was to destroy our economy. Thankfully, when it's all said and done, God is still on His throne and Jesus still saves.