Thursday, October 30, 2008

Predictions for the Next 8 Years

Assuming Obama wins the election, and knowing that Congress will be led by two equally Left Wing and honorless boobs... I suggest here that our country will take a giant leap towards Socialism... And its problems. The Constitution and the law will give way to the Liberal agenda and its social engineering. Here are my predictions of what may follow...

1) There will be sweeping gun-control legislation demanding the registration of every firearm in the United States. The ATF will canvas neighborhoods throughout the country. Neighbors will be asked to inform on neighbors.

2) Under the Obama Administration, ACORN and similar organizations will become so ensconced and well established in certain liberal precincts that they will be able to deliver any number of votes needed to assure a Left-Wing victory and a ruling majority in the federal government. There will be no effort to stop voter fraud and our elections will look more and more like the shams we've seen over the years in South American Dictatorships and Communist countries.

3) As socialized medicine finds its way into the health care system, the quality of treatment will fall precipitously for all those who cannot afford private care.

4) Illegal aliens will be given citizenship, securing new voters for Democrat victories. No fence will be built along our southern border.

5) With the failure of Social Security and the government's increasing influence in banking and markets, the government will eventually decide that the only "fair thing" to do is to confiscate a portion of Individual Retirement Accounts and Private Pension Dollars and redistribute them equally to citizens poorly prepared for retirement, and formerly illegal aliens.

6) Gasoline prices will be controlled, causing the need for rationing, and citizens will be strongly encouraged to use public transportation. The federal government will eventually absorb the oil and natural gas industries in this country... And run them badly.

7) Laws limiting the right to free speech will develop in proportion to the talk of treason, sedition, and revolution... And such talk will be rampant.

8) Fundamentalist churches will be monitored by the ACLU and Gay Rights Organizations, and many churches will lose their tax-exempt status. New laws will allow the prosecution of many preachers for hate speech. Gay marriage is a certainty, and the movement to overturn Roe will be dead. The Church will experience a revival proportional to America's loss of wealth and security.

9) Congress will revive the "Fairness Doctrine," eliminating most conservative talk radio programs. Many AM stations will close their doors.

10) Oppressive government oversight and regulation will make home schooling unfeasible, and religious and private education much more expensive.

11) Oppressive taxation and regulation will discourage the formation of new small businesses.

12) Government spending will be unchecked, and Inflation will rise above 15% per year. At some point it will be illegal to own or sell gold.

13) What's left of domestic auto production will be owned and run by the government and the unions.

14) The military and our nuclear arsenal will be gutted... And we, along with the rest of the world, will learn to exist under the thumb of the New Soviet Union, Red China, and Radical Islam. The United States Government will abandon Israel. We will not be safe or secure.

Now I'm not sure how many of these predictions will come to fruition, but when the Leftists own the government, the polls, and the media... I figure just about anything is possible.



janice said...

If BHO is elected we will resemble Canada by the end of the first term, as you clearly pointed out.

A second term will no doubt end this country.

Anonymous said...

You folks are such gloomy guses.

Obama Derangement Syndrome strikes again!

janice said...

No anon, we're worried for our country and the path she'll take under BHO.

Spoken like a true BDS sufferer...

SkyePuppy said...

In #1, don't forget that, like the UK, people defending themselves with guns against home-invading criminals will serve longer prison sentences for possession of a gun than the criminals serve for the armed robbery.

In #9, the former talk-radio stations will convert to NPR-2 programming.

In #13, American-made cars will have the high quality of the beloved Yugo.


When you say the letters, "ODS," you get "odious," which is what Obama's policies are. Thanks for the reminder.

Malott said...


It wasn't all gloomy.

The revival part was very upbeat!

So was the talk of treason, sedition, and revolution... After an Obama presidency that may be the only way to get back to the Constitution and back to being a nation of laws.

Tsofah said...

Election night may still bring some big surprises.

So...everyone...get out there and vote! No couch potatoing on Tuesday. Keep praying and...

Vote! Stand in line. Bring a couple of snacks and a bottle of coke and/or a cup of coffee. Bring your Ipod or MP3 player, or CD player, or whatever. You can pray and intercede for our country while you wait in line.

Got kids to take care of? Ask a neighbor to watch your kids while you vote and then volunteer to watch their's while they vote.

There may be long lines at the polling place? So? Big deal! It beats long soup lines for food once a day because of the worsened economic conditions under Obama.

Pray. Vote. Then pray some more.

Bryan Alexander said...


Thanks, I agree.

Remember that with God, anything is possible. I've been praying, writing on my blog, sending e-mails with information about the real Barack Obama, and asking everyone to send those e-mails on to others.

Don't think we can't reach people. My little blog is getting hits from all over the country. Just today I've had visitors form North Carolina, New Mexico, Massachusetts, Ohio, Missouri, Florida, Maryland, Virginia, New York, and Texas.

The point is, let's stay positive and not give up on this. Let's reach as many people as possible, not only in our own states, but in other states. Let's use our blogs, and let's use e-mail. And above all, let's pray with faith.

McCain can still win. In spite of what the MSM wants us to think, this is very close, and it's getting closer.

Stay positive!

Mojo_Risin said...

My prediction? The people who declare now that the country will be in flames in 4-8 years will be amazed how everything is still intact, and will somehow give the credit to a weak Republican minority in government. And that those who predict an Obama presidency will bring 1000 years of peace and happiness will be, unfortunately, disappointed.

SkyePuppy said...


The people predicting the country will be in flames are predicting it for November 5th after a McCain win.

I haven't heard predictions of flames after an Obama win--just predictions of a huge leap toward socialism and even totalitarianism when the Dems try to shut down dissent from the right.

Excellent point about the disappointment of the Obamessiah true-believers, though.

Mojo_Risin said...

Once again, Pup, I think you need to read comments more thoroughly.

SkyePuppy said...


I did read your comment carefully. You're saying that Republicans are declaring the country will be in flames after 4 - 8 years of an Obama presidency.

I disagree. I've only heard "flames" coming from Obamabots, declaring riots will occur if McCain manages to "steal" the election from Obama.

Rather than flames, I'd expect the country to be in lockdown mode for those of us of the conservative Christian persuasion.

Israel might be in flames, though.

Grammy said...

Good News!!!!! I just heard a news report that Hugo Chavez is very pleased at the prospect of having BHO as the next US president. He feels it will be much easier for him to work with BHO.