Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Missing Step

Different Churches call it different things, but all have certain steps involved in accepting Jesus as your Savior. In the New Testament it generally went something like this:

1) You hear the "Good News."
2) You believe
3) You repent (turn from your sin).
4) You are baptized
5) The Holy Spirit takes up residence inside you.
6) You bear spiritual fruit.

The step that we have trouble with is the same step that the Israelites of the Old Testament had trouble with... #3.

The Jews of the O.T. were always worshipping foreign idols... Probably because they involved fertility rites, and sexual immorality. Just like today, people sought out the old "skin game." Some were physically involved in this, and others just sat back and watched.

We are the Rich of the world and we can afford all sorts of idols. We can afford to worship the god of materialism and its idols of jewelry, clothing, cars, homes, and other possessions. We can afford televisions which allow us to vicariously worship the god of fame and celebrity on something as benign as American Idol. We can also sit back, grab the remote, and worship the god of sexual immorality in drama and comedy... From a distance.

That may be why Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for us, the rich, to enter heaven.

And that statement may be why we hear so many sermons today about God's Grace. Rich people don't want to hear about God's Judgement and about how He will not be mocked.

It's that pesky #3.

Still, if we do repent... Put away our idols... And actively seek to change direction... Actively seek first the kingdom of God... Then God's Grace prompts His sweet forgetting of all those times we fail... In spite of our desire and efforts to obey.

That's the good news.


SkyePuppy said...

Now you've gone from preaching to meddling!

I followed American Idol on Bekah's blog (no idea what channel it was on at my house) and had a good time while it lasted.

You're right though. God's forgetting is so sweet.

"As far as the east is from the west..."

"[He] will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea."

Great post.

Bekah said...

Funny you should bring up American Idol. The name alone bothered me a lot this season. Of course, maybe that was God working on me about my TV...addiction?

But yes, pesky #3. The very conversation I've had with God so frequently lately.

Reminds me of the wedding I was at yesterday - and I sat back in amazement at the lifestyle I saw former college-mates living. I wasn't judging...goodness knows I have my own downfalls. I was just surprised at what I saw and heard right out in the open with no second thought given. I think they might bask a little too much in the grace sermons and not quite enough on the repenting sermons.

Made me sort of sad.

Made me wonder if that is what they do in the light - what is in the dark? Makes me reevaluate the fruit of my own actions.

Good post.

janice said...

As a child, I always wondered why people of the Bible (stories) failed time and again.

I mean, (in my little mind) I knew God, knew there was a God, and tried very hard to behave (myself). Why couldn't these people just behave? They had seen the power of God and they still turned away from Him.
Every Sunday I would ask my Bible teacher why they couldn't just behave themselves.

Such is the wonderings of a child, of God.