Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Yellow Snow

It's good to be a man.

Let's say you drop by a friend's house late on a snowy night and all his lights are out. You don't want to wake him up, but you still want to leave a message... Let him know you cared enough to stop by. What's the polite thing to do? What do good manners dictate?

The entire staff at Malott's blog celebrates all forms of communicative skill without prejudice, and encourages the study and practice of these traditions so that future generations might look back upon a day when the creative manifestations of man's most noble literary inclinations... ... ... Where was I going with this...

True, women are somewhat handicapped in such pursuits, but when a skill is mastered by the challenged... all the more to admire!

As we say in Greentown, when nature lays down a parchment, take pen in hand and express yourself.

We are the men of Malott's Blog, and obviously we'll post most anything.



Grammy said...

I'm disappointed. No pictures this time???

Malott said...


Now see, a mature man would read your comment, smile, and get on with his life.

But I am not a mature man.

I thought there was no way this post could be any less tasteful... But now you have me thinking.

A simple picture after the fact... Or film of the act on YouTube... (I'd have to be careful with the camera angle)titled, "In His Own Script."

Bekah said...

this both cracks me up and makes me want to go outside and see if i've had any visitors. LOL

SkyePuppy said...

We completely miss out on this type of communication out here in rainy Southern California.

Malott said...

It's easy to write your name, but printing is next to impossible... Though I'm sure it's been done.

Grammy said...

printing involves peeus interruptus. You're right...next to impossible.

Malott said...

Peeus interruptus is pretty much impossible at my age. Muscular control fades with age... It's definitely difficult to dot the "i" in Chris.