Thursday, February 04, 2010

Advice from a Real Slow Learner

"If anybody's searching for a lesson from Massachusetts, I promise you, the answer is not to do nothing. We've got to finish the job on health care. We've got to finish the job on financial regulatory reform. We've got to finish the job, even though it's hard." --Obama

Obama is so full of... advice. President Obama last Friday elicited snickers from some members of the House Republican Conference when he declared, "I'm not an ideologue."

But only an ideologue would seek to force upon people legislation that they do not want. Only an ideologue would willingly sacrifice seats in Congress to accomplish an unpopular agenda.

Obama also recently reiterated that we shouldn't spend our money in Vegas... Which elicited from the Las Vegas mayor the quote of the year: "This president is a real slow learner."

I'm pretty sure that we can still go to New Orleans with Obama's blessing. You remember New Orleans... The cesspool in which we must pump billions of our hard-earned dollars so that prostitutes can ply their trade below sea level.



SkyePuppy said...

You're just saying that about New Orleans because of the Super Bowl.

Malott said...


Tsofah said...

Gasp! I actually agreed with Obama about Vegas. Although I'm not a big Obama fan, I think the mayor of Vegas was being a bit too sensitive. I mean, Obama was just using that example to show that our government needs to be a bit more responsible about how they spend our money.

NOW - if he would only follow that same advice....

Tsofah said...


Btw, I'm posting my best guess for who will win the Super Bowl on my blog....