Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The Obama Commemorative Plate

This is an opportunity you shouldn't miss. With some presidents you really have to wait to see how they are going to work out. But not Barack H. Obama. This guy's legacy is a sure thing!

So don't delay! Get your Barack Obama Commemorative Plate at http://www.obamaplate.com/

Or buy the whole set!

The Hindenburg Plate!

The Titanic Plate!

The Challenger Disaster Plate! (too soon?)

These fine products brought to you by Disaster Plates Limited. For people of taste who recognize doom when they see it coming!



SkyePuppy said...

I saw those Obama plate commercials, and had to stifle my gag reflex big-time. You'd think Obama has actually done something already from the way they talk about him.

Tsofah said...

With Obama, I think these "distributors" are playing "the race card" before the administration. Which, in an ironic twist, IS like putting the cart before the horse.

Grammy said...

Dang it! Now the Obama plate website can count another hit. I couldn't resist.

damnIneedJob said...

I think this plate is the one you need: http://www.obamapaperplate.com
