Saturday, December 06, 2008

It's Time to Bail Out the Oil Companies

The last time I filled up my gas tank I felt a little guilty. With gasoline prices plummeting, I wonder how the oil and gas workers are going to keep their jobs.

And it's bad news for the rest of us, too.

Throughout his run for President, Mr. Obama argued the (oil) industry deserved special taxation on its "excess" earnings. He planned to use the proceeds to fund an "emergency" round of $1,000 rebate checks for families. "It isn't right that oil companies are making record profits when ordinary Americans are going into debt trying to pay rising energy costs," he said.

If something isn't done fast, that $1000 dollar check won't accompany the big tax cut we'll be receiving in the spring.

Left unexplained was why the oil companies suddenly decided to stop profiteering, or manipulating commodity prices, or whatever it was they were supposedly doing.

The obvious problem is that the oil companies are just too nice for their own good. Those sweethearts have lowered the price of gas so much that there is almost nothing left to tax.

But as we all know, Barack Obama is a genius in economics and I'm overwhelmingly confident that he can... Yes he can!... Set these oil guys on the right track... And bail them out so the rest of us can get our $1000 dollar checks.



Anonymous said...

"Left unexplained was why the oil companies suddenly decided to stop profiteering, or manipulating commodity prices, or whatever it was they were supposedly doing."

Some focus group must have determined that the average voter cannot grasp supply and demand, and commodity markets because the Republicans never try to debunk this garbage.

janice said...

And let's not forget the speculators who also drive commodity prices, up or down.