"Rolling numbers, rockin' rollin', got my Kiss records out." -- James Madison
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"Rolling numbers, rockin' rollin', got my Kiss records out." -- James Madison
That's comedian John Branyan (Aaron Carpenter) with Peter.
She said in high school she was self conscious about her height, and tried to walk a little bit stoop shouldered. On imdb her height is officially listed at 5'11".
She was born in 1933 and was the best Catwoman ever... Period... End of story... Because she was the most beautiful... And I was heavily into puberty.
Oh, you can have Lee Meriwether, Eartha Kitt, Halle Berry, and the really terrible Michelle Pfeiffer. Give me Julie Newmar.
I particulary like the one backup singer who evidently got diverted from her audition as one of Dracula's brides.
Sometimes it's the unanswered questions that reveal the most.
The Titanic Plate!
The Challenger Disaster Plate! (too soon?)
These fine products brought to you by Disaster Plates Limited. For people of taste who recognize doom when they see it coming!
I found another video of actresses who - didn't - age gracefully, but it was too sad to post... Too much plastic surgery, I'd guess.
I figure the women in the video above had some help, but maybe kept it simple?
The funny thing about Fred's sarcastic video is that the average Obama voter who watched it would think, "Hey! This sounds pretty good!"