Sunday, September 23, 2007

Is Hollywood Writing Our Songs?

The Scottish political activist, Andrew Fletcher once said, "Let me write the songs of a nation... I don't care who writes its laws."

Fletcher obviously understood the relationship between the Arts and the human heart... Something the Liberals in Hollywood discovered many years ago.

Our culture gets a steady diet of left-wing pap... Anti-Traditional Values , Anti-American Pride... Sexual deviancy and moral vacancy... Pro-Choice, Anti-Christian, and Pro-Secular Prejudice - all historically edited, tied together with moral relativism, and packaged in a theatrical "I.V." - a bolus of narrative poison delivered directly into our bloodstream... Our subconscious... Our hearts.

The artistic hand that's been rocking the cradle for three generations is a subtle and insidious pedagogue... A mesmerizing prophet of compromise and decay. Consider its influence... Is there any component of that great aggregate of attributes that our grandparents recognized as moral character... That Hollywood hasn't questioned, discredited, or "dumbed down" in the last 50 years?

The definition of "trashiness" has definitely been redefined since I was a young man... And even Christians seem less concerned with having "clean hands." Many lazily slouch towards the convenient belief that they can laugh at things that grieve God... Digest a steady diet of sexual immorality... Sit back and watch all things Holy artfully lampooned... And not be effected.

Any rich society is vulnerable to moral decay and the deterioration of its character, but I believe the current efficiency of decomposition and rot - is primarily due to our entertainment. And as our nation slides toward "becoming less"... It is The Left that is greasing the skids... It is Hollywood that is writing the songs.

1 comment:

Tsofah said...

Right you are, Malott. It's truly a sad thing when we become "immune" to the things that used to embarass us or make us angry.

A lot of churches emphasize being "seeker friendly" and push forgiveness before repentance. Forgiveness is a good thing. First, though, the person has to realize they need to beforgiven.