Friday, August 10, 2007

Gardening Tip #6

Make a Tomato Map

The garden can be a real jungle... Fortunately I have just the outfit for it. I also have a tomato map.

I planted 5 different kinds of tomatoes in my garden last May. But by this time - a lesser gardener... a careless gardener...
An idiot... Would have no idea which tomato plant was which - and would be clueless as to which variety produced the tomato he liked best. So next spring he would have no clue as to which seeds to buy.

While it's true that some, like the branywine, are distinctive in color, most tomatoes look alike.

Early in the spring I start my tomato seeds in peat-pellets (the kind that swell when you add water) and mark them with secretary's liquid paper. For instance:

"-" is Better Boy

"=" is Rutgers

"+" is Brandywine... And so on...

When I put the pellets in peat pots, I mark the pots with the same symbol. And when I plant the pots in the garden, I make a tomato map. (see photo illustration above)
Costumes by L.L. Bean


SkyePuppy said...

I see you decided to forego the LL Bean Gadaffi Bowl Boy for your gardening adventures...

Christina said...

I want to know who took the picture.

You look like a cross between Jack Hanna (the animal guy) and the late Crocodile Hunter....maybe you should call yourself the "Tomato Hunter". Granted, it's not quite as dangerous-sounding as hunting crocs, but if you do it while sporting an Australian accent, you might just catch on.

Malott said...


The Gadaffi Bowl Boy, while chic and sophisticated, is hardly appropriate for gardening.
...Maybe if I grew poppies.


I took the picture with my timer. For me, photography is a lonely business.

I like "Tomato Hunter"... I could take a picture of myself wrestling with the vines with a strained and contorted expression on my face.
...I'm not above that sort of thing, you must know, and should not be encouraged.

Jacob said...

Are you... taking a dump there?