Thursday, July 20, 2006

Stem Cell Hysteria

Joseph Loconte, writing for The National review Online, quotes the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (UOJCA):

“We recognize that those who oppose this research and this legislation do so upon the basis of deeply and sincerely held moral beliefs,” writes the UOJCA. “We appreciate the President's position on this matter which allows this research to proceed when privately funded and his principled reservations against allowing taxpayer funds to support it.” The organization goes on to “respectfully disagree” with the president's position.

Notice what is missing: No conspiracy theories about a theocratic takeover. No chatter about the eclipse of Enlightenment reason. No specter of religious extremism haunting the political landscape. No contest between scientific progress and medieval superstition.

Here are religious conservatives — orthodox Jews — who have learned to engage an emotional debate over bioethics with grace and sobriety. They take seriously the moral and religious objections of their political adversaries. Though siding with political and religious liberals in this debate, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations shames them with their fairness and intellectual honesty.

By contrast, a press conference held by Democratic leaders the morning of the presidential veto was a stunning exercise in sophomoric sloganeering — even for politicians. Whatever one thinks of research on human embryos, the idea of using taxpayer money to fund it is a massive step into a brave new world. Yet, despite all the overwrought moralizing, there was not even an innuendo of an ethical dilemma. It’s as if none could be contemplated. When asked why they thought President Bush followed through on his promised veto, every Democratic spokesperson feigned ignorance or cited the president’s “extremist” or “radical” base. Senator Charles Schumer, stammering for an answer, simply called the president’s reasoning “confounding.”

I just asked a fellow hospital employee if Bush's veto meant that there would be no research whatsoever done on embryonic stem cells in this country. She said that was her understanding.

Ah the efficient effectiveness of the Left and its misinformation and demagoguery.

I'm not in a wheelchair... I'm facing no horrific diseases, so I'm not judgmental about people's feelings and beliefs on this issue. I think I'm as sensitive to the feelings of parents with a sick child as I am to my religious friends who don't want their tax dollars funding something that they consider immoral. But with a little more truth and a little less political grandstanding, I believe it is possible for us all to approach this subject with civility and mutual respect.


SkyePuppy said...

Uh oh! I didn't approach this subject "with civility and mutual respect" in my post last night. I called people "ghouls."

Drive a stake through my heart for my sins. No, wait. The stake should go through the ghouls' hearts. Oh forget the stake.

Too much of the debate on this issue has pretended that the only kind of stem cells are embryonic stem cells. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Adult stem cells (bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, and others), the use of which doesn't harm anyone, are already being used to treat over 250 diseases, including lymphoma and leukemia.

In my mind, people who know this and still persist in the push to kill embryos for their stem cells have blood on their hands.

Private research money is going into adult stem cell research, because that's what works.

Malott said...


My main point was that there is little truth and information and too much hype and misinfomation. I thought your post was informative and also expressed our thinking and passion for this "life and death" issue.

As always, the Pupster had it right, and I would'nt presume to criticize.

SkyePuppy said...


You can presume to criticize. I'm certainly fallible.

It's just that I felt the pangs of guilt when I did my name-calling and then came over here and saw your call for civility.

I still think the people who know the difference but push for the embryonic research are ghouls.

Malott said...

And I agree. And I think we both make a distinction between a Left-wing-activist and a family with a sick loved one when it comes to this issue. I think the latter are being misinformed and used by the abortion crowd.

Yes you are fallible. But just a little... And therefore you are still a hero of mine.