Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Gay Scouts of America

Delta's comment about gay scouts spurred my thinking on this.

While I imagine their uniforms would be lovely... And magnificently accessorized... And while their camp grounds would be immaculate... And the food and entertainment - first class... I just don't see it happening.

On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty, to Todd and my Justin, to Matt and Jake, to Bruce and Kyle...

I'm sorry. I'm done now.


Tsofah said...

Uh, thanks Malott. I'll take the blame uh, er credit for helping to spur you to think. I think. GULP!

As for the rest of your posting here, BE GOOD!!!! It gives me shivers to read your "new version" thoughts about doing the duty pledge.

I was NOT a Boy Scout or a Girl Scout. Now that I'm an adult, I'm being a pointman type of scout! :-)

Jacob said...

And just think of the excess levels of fabulousness.

janice said...

"excess levels of fabulousness"

That's funny, good one Jacob!