Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Defeating Hillary

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Democrats Barack Obama and John Edwards sharply challenged Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's candor, consistency and judgment Tuesday in a televised debate that underscored her front-runner status two months before the first presidential primary votes.

...But she avoided direct answers to several questions. The New York senator wouldn't say how she would address the fiscal crisis threatening Social Security, she declined to pledge whether she would stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon or say whether she supports giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. Rather, she tried to turn every issue into an argument against President Bush.

Three issues. Social Security. Radical Islam. Illegals and the border.

The first involves our economic health. The second - Our national security. The third - Our security and national identity. All three are winners for any conservative that has the right answers.

For now it's all about garnering the "Left-Wing-Nut-Job-Vote... And pandering to the Left's Pathological Hatred for Bush is sufficient for that. But in time Hillary will have to play to the "Great Middle"... And that will be a daunting task for an unlikable, unattractive, old Liberal... With no answers.


SkyePuppy said...

You forgot "shrill harridan." Or is she a harpy? I can never keep the appropriate "H" words straight.

Tsofah said...

You know, it's almost soothing to hear Hillary is being taken to task on what she says and does. I trust her about as far as the Bionic Woman can throw her with the left arm....NOT!!!!

Personally, my usual thought is "Where is Norman Schwarzkopf when we need him?" Talk about good presidential candidate material! SIGH, I dream big...

janice said...

I've been listening to snippets all day long. Her level of avoidance was mind boggling. How can she stand there with a straight face and answer questions with non answers?

If democrats had any brains they'd be republicans!