Thursday, April 09, 2009

Seder-Day Night Fever

The Passover Seder Meal is a Jewish ritual feast held on the first and the second nights of the Jewish holiday of Passover (which begins on the 15th day of Hebrew month of Nisan). In Israel, the Seder is held only on the first night.

So here's to all my Hebe and Hymie friends of the Kike persuasion... Who didn't invite this honkie, whitey descendant of French immigrants to dinner.

Don't expect to get any of my Jesus Birthday Cake next December!


janice said...

I'm sorry Chris, I wasn't the host and I didn't think you could make it to Cleveland by sundown.

Would you like to go to Good Friday mass tomorrow? If you can be here by 2:40 I'll drive.

Malott said...


Oh fine... Not good enough to be a dinner guest but you'll let me go to mass with you. Big woop!

I'll just stay home and pout.

janice said...

LOL, you always crack me up!

Tsofah said...

Hey Chris?

I appreciate your sense of humor! Although a bit abrassive, it is who you are!

You will have an invite to Sedar in 2010, I promise. I'll contact a Messianic congregation and ask them to be sure to get in touch with you. Just email me (addy on my profile)with instructions on how to do this!

Just watch out for the horseradish! And, if they serve real wine instead of grape juice, enjoy all four glasses for me!


PS. I'm not a hymie or other type of descriptive...try to be a bit kinder with those, ok??? :-/

janice said...

Chris, you know my mother is Jewish.

I'm a Christian and by birth I am a Jew, Kike, Hebe and Hymie.

Not offended at all, my friend.

Malott said...

I figure Jews are the best people, or G_d wouldn't have chosen them. Look at the incredible accomplishments of the small country of Israel.

I rest my case.

janice said...

Israel made the desert bloom..

Have I ever mentioned, my mother was born in Haifa in 1943, just before the war of independence? And sent to Northfield OH, in 1945 prior to major combat operations?

I should post this story on my blog....

SkyePuppy said...


You should post that story on your blog (or did you already? I'll have to go look).

Tsofah said...


You said "I figure Jews are the best people, or G_d wouldn't have chosen them. Look at the incredible accomplishments of the small country of Israel."

I agree with your comment above totally. Did I miss something regarding it's context?

Grammy said...

About the Jews being the best. I have to agree, and the funny thing is that as G_d's chosen people, they've gone through many bratty periods as well as horrible times of testing. G_d was always yelling at one Jew or another...Moses, David, the Prophets, Peter, Paul. But I believe He called them "freinds". He seems to like us most when we're a little on the wild side. It kind of seems G_d doesn't need us to be nice all the time trying to please all factions with liberal theology when His Word doesn't seem nice enough. I'm probably not making any sense. I just love the wildness of the Jews history with G_d.