Saturday, April 18, 2009

Janeane Garofalo - Countdown - Keith Olbermann - April 16 2009

This would be upsetting if Olbermann had an audience.

You watch this sort of thing and your mouth just drops open... And then you have to smile.

These are angry people. Their Obamessiah and his Cabinet crew of misfits are totally unimpressive... And they're very upset that people have the nerve to point it out.


Actually, the only thing I like about Barack Obama is his race. I hoped Codoleeza would throw her hat in the ring... Mostly because she is capable... And Black. That would have been cool.

So maybe it is about the spending and the taxing...


Christina said...


That little segment was perhaps one of the most offensive tirades I've heard in a long time.

The "limping brain" and women with "Stockholm syndrome"? I mean, if this woman is serious (and I really believe she is) she has absolutely lost her own mind. She is the one who knows nothing about the people she is maligning.

The real irony is how Garofalo accuses not just "right wing extremists", but Conservatives and Republicans of being racists and hateful, yet her speech is so full of hate and bias and frankly, her own form of racism.

At absolutely no point, has this been about race. She is clearly the one who "doesn't get it". Talk about a "Limping brain".

paw said...

Amen, brother. Olbermann is a clown. His ratings are low(ish) because by and large, this side doesn't support in great numbers that kind of un-serious take-advantage-at-any cost foolishness, unlike the support that Coulter/Limbaugh/Beck and others can bank on.

Tsofah said...

Olberman comes across as a very angry person. Garofalo seems to fit into the character of his show.

We conservatives must really scare liberals to have this type of tyrade show.

Conservatives. <---the good guys!

SkyePuppy said...

Holy cow!

I've never seen Keith Olbermann before, and I can't believe he (or anyone on a "news" network) treats Garofalo as though she has any credibility at all.

Right-wingers have bigger lymbic brains than "normal" people? "Tens" of people showed up at the Tea Parties?

With programs like this, MSNBC must be the next media outlet scheduled to file for bankruptcy...

Grammy said...

I'm going to have to speak to my doctor about my limbic region. She has never asked me about my political views, which apparently has been irresponsible on her part. If she had, she would know that I have an enlarged limbic region that is encroaching on my frontal lobe, thereby throwing my ability to be rational out the window. Surely there is some medication or surgery that would shrink or remove excess limbic tissue. Then I would have the good sense to become liberal! I can hardly wait to have warm fuzzy feelings toward Hugo Chavez!

Christina said...

You know, it seems that I am the only one who was unaware of the "lymbic" brain, which must clearly demonstrate that, while most definitely conservative, mine is quite small!

Oops on the typo!

Anonymous said...

There's something about a blogger that has a Jim Varney pic bashing Olbermann that just makes me laugh! You have "Billo the Clown" we have Olbermann.

ChuckL said...

One of my all-time favorite bumper stickers that applies in so many of our current situations...

How to anger a conservative: tell her a lie.

How to anger a liberal: tell him the truth.

ChuckL said...

I have figured it out. Libs cannot relate to a demonstration where participants don't destroy property or people, don't engage in drug use & assorted perversity, are civil & polite to one another, & actually address issues with evidence, facts, & common sense.

This is so foreign to libs, that they can only apply their worldviews to describe. Voila! We get junk like this from Ms Garofalo, CNN neo-reporters, Mr Olbermann, ad nauseum.

SkyePuppy said...


You left out that libs don't understand people who protest without using puppets.

SkyePuppy said...


You've been awfully quiet for a long time. Is everything OK? Keeping you and your family in prayer, just in case...

ChuckL said...

Hey Skye,

Libs just don't understand a lot.

Bekah said...

Hey I was just coming to check on you....and Skyepuppy beat me to it. :) Hope you're okay!! Post for us - we miss you!

janice said...

Hey Chris, is everything OK?