Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Why My Life is Better than Yours
Reason #2

Every day people I barely know stop me on the street and ask me... They say, "Malott, your life is obviously better than mine. Can you tell me why?" Usually I just push them out of my way, especially if they're old, female, and feeble.

But there are times when I take a moment and try to pass on a tiny bit of perfection to those less worthy.

This is one of those times.

Reason #2: I never have more than four pennies in my possession at any time! I never have more than 99 cents in coin in my pocket, in my truck, or in my house at any time!

Isn't that amazing! Yes. Yes, it is!

How do I do it? Well, whenever I leave my house I take all my change with me, and when I return I empty my pockets of my change, placing it in the exact same spot.

Whenever I make a purchase with cash, I always remove all my change from my pocket and count it, so that I can quickly reduce the coinage in my possession if possible. For instance, if I go to the grocery with a ten dollar bill and 29 cents, and my purchase comes to five dollars and 87 cents... I give the cashier the ten dollar bill and two pennies. Easy!

Sometimes I go to other peoples homes and I see jars full of pennies and other coins, and I am embarrassed for them. It's just no way to live.

So there you have it, yet another illustration of the magic that is my life.

Tune in next month for Reason #3... My Sock Drawer: Organized and Immaculate!



Bekah said...

I think this is a great reason. I am always annoyed at the magazine articles that tell you to gather up your spare change and go on vacation...buy a car...adopt a child. BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE SPARE CHANGE! I spend every penny of it. It's usually my polar pop money. and on the rare occasion that I do have a handful - I trade it in for a dollar or two. No keeping spare change in Bekahland.

I will admit to always keeping a quarter in the car for the Aldis cart. But that is the only change you'll ever find in there. Oh wait. Right now there's a penny in the cup holder. So the grand total of twenty six cents residing in my car.

We're the smart ones!

Tsofah said...

We have change a lot of times because our son begs for it. He likes to keep it until it "looks right". He then takes it to one of those change machine in the grocery store and get's it converted to dollar. (Usually less than $5.00)

Me? My wallet? Weeeellll....it's good for holding my drivers license, photos, etc. Money? Change? in MY wallet? (breaking out laughing here!) It appears my wallet is a "foster home" for small amounts of money that generally is spent quickly at the grocery store!

Malott said...


We are definitely the smart ones. A blind man could see that.

For a young woman who frolics with absurd and non-essential dessert recipes, you show amazing class with your coinage. Keep it up, Bits Girl!


For a Jewish woman, you show amazing lack of discipline with your coins. :) I thought "you people" were experts!

Tsofah said...


As a "people", I am not a Jew - my mother was not a Jew therefore, unless I convert, I cannot be considered Jewish. (It would not matter if my grandparents were Jewish, if my mother was not, then I am not considered so by the Jewish Community). HOWEVER, :-D , I'm a Christian and I have a better understanding of some of the Judaic teachings which many times deepens my understanding of Christianity. Kinda neat, eh? :-)

Oh, yeah...I am good with money. I want my child to be good with money too. That is why I encourage him to learn via personal experience. AND, saving money is a quality that is as important and spending it wisely. :-)

Bekah said...

I'm sorry...this "non-essential" coupled with "desserts..." I'm not understanding.

Malott said...


I'm sure your planet is a fascinating place. But here on Planet Locarb, your ways are strange to us.

I will feast on spinach and broccoli in your honor. I will sacrifice a beast, and eat its flesh.

Grammy said...

Money...such interesting stuff. I've been down some ugly money roads. My son and his wife are teaching their four kids about money at the Dollar Store. When they earn a little money, he takes them to the Dollar Store and they have to deal with the business of picking and choosing among the stuff they want on the toy rack and having to save for something if they don't have enough money for what they want. It's often an agonizing experience for the kids. Lots of begging, wailing and gnashing of teeth over what they can't afford.

As a frequent traveller, I'm always trying to spend change instead of paper. It's amazing how much weight change adds to a purse.

Grammy said...

Bekah - I'm with you! Dessert is the very foundation of my food pyramid. And also that little triangle at the top, just for good measure. A major food group, for sure.

Bekah said...

Planet Locarb....i've heard of that. Never been there though. I much prefer my precious planet porky. And speaking of pork...If there's going to be a meat fest, call me up! I'll bring my fork. Next to my darling desserts (I use the same food pyramid as grammy), I'm quite the meatatarian. The broccoli and spinach...I will leave that alllllll for you.

Christina said...

Spare change...I guess I'm foolish, because I have a ton. It will still spend, it'll just buy more after being saved for a "rainy day".

And Bekah and Grammy, men (normal and those from planet Locard) will never ever be able to understand dessert as we woman do, simply because men do not NEED it. Women do. It is one of the basic differences between the sexes.