Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A Match Made in Heaven

Or perhaps Heaven's Gate.

I've long held the opinion that third-party tickets always feature self-serving egomaniacs that are more preoccupied with personal ambition and notoriety than any supposed principle or issue.

But Kucinich/Paul creates a number of other problems... Like how would you name the Party or describe it? Liberal-Libertarian... is a conflict in terms and philosophy.

But nonetheless...

The race goes on, but one thing that can be said for U.S. Rep. and presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, of Ohio, and that is he is always proposing something new. This time he mentioned a possible Democrat-Republican ticket. The Republican he is suggesting, Ron Paul, is a congressman from Texas.

There is a disturbing symmetry here.

1 comment:

SkyePuppy said...

What a combination! This would be a lot of fun, because each one of them has supporters who are fanatics. No halfway measures for either one of them.

Bring it on!