Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Just a note...

I ran the adoption scenario from my previous post - What is good for Us - past several of my friends at work... I wanted to see their reaction. They all chose the poor couple.

But the poorer among them and the Fundamentalist Christians chose immediately. The ones that had more money and who belonged to more liberal churches... Hesitated... Two saying it was a tough choice.

My survey was very limited... But the results were consistent... And, I thought... Interesting.

1 comment:

SkyePuppy said...

Yes, that is very interesting. But to be fair to the people with money, I can imagine them seeing it as a choice of subjecting their child to hardship in order to build his character. It may feel to them as though you asked, Would you cut off his arm to build his character, or would you keep him whole without the good character? I can see how that could be difficult to choose.

For people who have no money, they already know that life can be joyous, even in poverty, so the choice is easy.

The richer people are more to be pitied than scorned, because their money may have made them handicapped in the ways that are most important in life.