Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dark Days, America, and Her Churches

SkyePuppy has a post with a cartoon representation of wealth redistribution, the Obama Doctrine, and the Occupy Wall Street mentality.  It's very clever.

She closes:  I'd say that 2013 can't come soon enough, but the politicians who have a track record of actually slashing government spending aren't the ones who are running. And the ones who are in the race have been ever so eager in the past to take away our candy and give it to Barry and the other kids in the neighborhood. I can't say I'm optimistic.

I know that many of our nation's problems are unprecedented, but the days seem no darker than the 60's and 70's when there were riots, our culture was turned upside down, fuel was scarce, and we faced double digit unemployment, interest rates, and inflation. But America rebounded in the Reagan years.

Today's challenge is that the federal government in Washington is tearing at the fabric and structure that made the Reagan rebound possible.

But my biggest fear is that churches in America have never been more worldly or compromised.  The Bride of Christ is doing great, but she is more and more outnumbered on Sunday mornings by lukewarm believers who date Jesus on Sundays, but crawl into the world's bed the rest of the week.  I fear that this may ultimately precipitate the lifting of God's hand from America, and then the entire world will suffer.

But I'm hopeful for two reasons.

America has rebounded before, and as long as we have the freedom to speak, our voices will be heard and the freedoms that made this country great may survive the present onslaught.

Also, I'm confident that The Church will survive, and even prosper in hard times.  And if persecution comes, I believe even the worldly and lukewarm among us may revive and remember that there is a war going on.  They may reject our ugly culture and stop spending three hours every night fraternizing with the enemy.  We, the rich of the world who believe, may stop living as if our lives are our own.  And as holiness and separation are once again spoken in our gatherings, we may become more spirit-filled and stronger than we have been in years.

Bring it on...


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