Negro BikersYou know, this President
Obama thing may have some hidden perks. Oh sure... He'll destroy our economy, weaken the military in a time of war, and hasten America's cultural slide towards a Godless, immoral swamp... But let's look at the bright side, shall we?!
African Americans,
AA's as we say in
Greentown, often feel disenfranchised, neglected, and "disrespected"... which by the way - isn't a real word. They have a legitimate argument... And I feel for them... Especially the males. What a burden it must be to approach life always feeling you have something to prove... After all,
AA's are every bit as competent and capable as other Americans, and the only thing impeding the progress of many is the Liberals' assigned excuses, possibly inducing a lack of self esteem and a dilution of impetus towards success.
But! When
Obama is elected, every AA will automatically become "mainstream"... The rest of us will no longer feel we have to "walk on eggshells", worrying about saying the wrong thing... And I will be blessed by being able to write posts entitled "Negro Bikers" without offending anyone or being called a racist... Which I am not.
Yesterday I saw two Negro Bikers... Something you just don't see every day.
Something is in the air.
A "President
Obama" just might finally end the "color game" that has been boring me since the 60's.
Maybe a "President
Obama" will
short circuit a long-endured malady.
Maybe my Christian brothers at Obama's Church will be
freed at last to concentrate on our Lord... Rather than what they hate.