Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Doorway to My Bedroom

This is the doorway to my bedroom. The guy in the picture is Jesus (artist's conception). So if some night... Someone breaks into my home... And comes upstairs to beat the crap out of me...

He's gotta get by Jesus first.

This truth works on more than one level... It even works without the picture.


SkyePuppy said...

And you have to get past Jesus too. Nice touch.

BTW, we have this same picture of Him at my church, where I should be this Sunday (I leave for home tomorrow). I'll say hi. :o)

Bekah said...

I tried to leave a comment yesterday but Blogger went crazy on me. I'll try again:

I like this because it reminds me of the days when I was first out of college and petrified to stay alone. I had a roommate for a while, but she took a night shift job, so I was still alone at night. For a long time, I left all the lights on and locked 150 locks. Then the need for sleep finally kicked in and I just told God He'd have to make sure everything was okay. I don't have the picture - but I definitely rely on the concept!

Tsofah said...

Way Cool! He brings a bunch of angels with Him as well! I love it!

Jacob said...

I doubt Jesus' effectiveness in that situation, I have to be honest with you.

Anonymous said...

Hypothetically, if I broke into your home, armed with a bat, your picture of Jesus would be the first victim. It ain't gonna stop anyone! LOCK THE DOOR!

Anonymous said...

Um ... isn't this some sort of idolatry, which the Bible forbids? I mean, if you think that picture will actually protect you from anything, as opposed to -- I dunno, being a picture -- then you've attributed some supernatural powers to that picture. Which is idolatry.