Saturday, February 25, 2012

For I Am Not Ashamed... of Satan

Recently The Drudge Report, who I would guess are Romney supporters, linked to a video of Rick Santorum speaking to a group of Catholic students in which he said that Satan had his sights set on America.

Now while I agreed with what Santorum said, I must confess that I cringed when I heard him say it... Because I could imagine the negative reaction of many voters to a candidate who actually believed that Satan exists.   

And then I immediately felt guilty.  You see, Jesus talked about Satan, so to be ashamed to believe in Satan is tantamount to being ashamed of believing that Jesus is the Son of God.

So yes, I am not ashamed of the fact that I believe there is a fallen angel named Satan.

And I figure that Satan will have plenty of time with those who don't believe in him... and will eventually persuade them to change their minds.



Bekah said...

Good post (strange topic to say good post about....but still true!)

Malott said...


I think the extent to which Biblical and spiritual topics embarrass us is directly proportional to our worldliness...

I'm struggling to be done with that... And my circumstances suggest to me that I'll be struggling with it till the day I die.

Thanks for stopping by, Miss B.

Grammy said...

This message that you spoke to me 25 years ago pierced my soul and made me see a truth that changed my spiritual life. It's something I will struggle with for the rest of my life also. Thanks for the wake-up if I'd only get out of bed.

Malott said...


You've told this story before, and it always makes me thankful... And totally amazed that the Holy Spirit used a disobedient and fractured vessel to influence your life.

We aren't far from the finish line... I want to finish well.

Will there be tennis courts in Heaven, no rain, no wind? I know there will be no need for Ibuprofen. If so, I'm looking forward to spending some afternoons with my friend.

Grammy said...

I don't think we've played our last match down here yet. Hopefully I'll have some trips to Indy during the Spring/Summer and will bring my racquet. What I want to know is if my Buzzy and Zinger (we just had to put our precious Zinger down two weeks ago - I'm hearbroken after 18 years of his soft warm affection and companionship - yes...he was a cat - be gracious)and maybe Misty and oh I can't think of her name - will be in heaven. I hear that animals don't have eternal souls - I don't know what to think about that because I don't see anything about it in scripture. I do know from the Book of Revelation that there will be all manner of creatures there, so why not the great and loyal ones he already made?

Grammy said...
