Friday, March 04, 2011

Good Muslim Bitches

An ABC pilot called “Good Christian Bitches” has religious and women’s groups up in arms over what they describe as an extremely offensive and distasteful show title.

The plot centers on the life of reformed “mean girl” Amanda, played by “Talladega Nights” actress Leslie Bibb, who returns to her hometown of Dallas to find herself fodder for malicious gossip from the women in the Christian community.

Oh... I guess ABC was concerned that "Muslim Bitches" might be offensive. Maybe the Burqas weren't sexy enough... or at all.

Has anyone noticed that it's open season on Christianity? I don't think we are becoming the European Jews of the mid-twentieth century... Not yet. But it is definitely politically correct to trash us.



SkyePuppy said...

Don't you know? People on the left use the B word as a form of endearment. The women on the View even said so after they caught a lot of flak for calling someone on the right a b*tch. Because, "She's my b*tch," is just the same as a black person saying, "He my nigga."

So it's all good. Nothing to see here. Move along. You slack-jawed, drooling, ignorant, right-wing Christians aren't even supposed to notice...

SkyePuppy said...

This quote from the article attempts to calm fears:

“ABC’s core viewership is Christian, so the goal of the show won’t be to attack Christianity. Just like the book, this is a show by Christians, for (mostly) Christians, to enjoy a little prime-time self-deprecation,” Los Angeles-based entertainment expert, Jenn Hoffman said.

Let me think... Christians are attacked in the press, our views are denigrated on campus and aren't given a voice in the public square. We're vilified as hateful or as oppressors for some of our beliefs (particluary the pro-life views). And what we really want to do is come home and "enjoy a little
prime-time self-deprecation," because we haven't been beaten up enough yet.

I don't know what "by Christians" means, but I doubt the director, producers, actors, and the other decision-makers are people with strong evangelical Christianity at their core.

Malott said...


I've read your comments 3 times... You make excellent points and do it so cleverly and entertainingly. Your "slack-jawed, drooling, ignorant" description hits a little close to home, but it is wonderfully structured comedic fodder. I must honestly admit that your 2 comments are much better in every way imaginable than my original post could ever hope to be. So... You come to my blog... Yes -MY- blog, and show me up!

SkyePuppy said...

Thanks for the endearment!