Sunday, September 03, 2006

Man with Melon

This of course is a reproduction of Edouard Manet's early masterwork Man with Melon, which engendered great controversy in the late 19th century by mixing realism with impressionism, and introducing the "fat hanging over the sides of shorts" concept which was later rejected by the Salon des Refusés. Exhibiting a delicate blend of light and shadow, Manet's uniquely frank (and largely unpopular) depiction of a simpleton holding out a melon was immediately rejected. In stark contrast, Manet's later work, Woman with Melons, enjoyed instant critical success and appealed to a wider and much more enthusiastic audience.


SkyePuppy said...

With the dark sunglasses, we can't tell who that anonymous man with melon is...

Malott said...

He is no doubt a humble soul who lives in his art. But I happen to know that he had his art for breakfast this morning with coffee and it was awesome.

Actually I didn't plant the seed that grew this. It "volunteered" from the hill I planted last year. I found the vine in my green beans and just let it grow. It grew through my beans... and into my corn...

SkyePuppy said...

I keep coming back here and toying with the idea of finishing the song you started... but I can't bring myself to do it... but I want to do it... but I can't...

Must... fight... spaghetti... Noooooo!!!!

Malott said...

Don't you hate it when someone you respect and admire... and who you know is smarter than you... makes an obscure statement and you can't figure out what-the-heck she is referring to and you're too intimidated, embarrassed, and proud to admit it... and you know she'll think you're a dolt for not picking up on it... Do you swallow your pride and ask... Do you play along?

I think I'll play along...

Oh yeah! Right! Yeah, go ahead and finish that song!
Ahhhh....Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

SkyePuppy said...


Sorry, but every time I saw your comment, this part:

It grew through my beans... and into my corn...

had the same rhythm (and started the song running through my head) as:

It rolled off the table... and onto the floor...

So, I kept thinking I should finish with, "and then my poor melon..." did something that rhymes with corn or door. But I didn't want to encourage that song, but...

Anyway, that's what I wrestled with (and confused you with) yesterday.

Malott said...

It grew through my beans,
And into my corn.
It grew through my spinach,
And left me forlorn.

Then Skyepuppy posted,
"Oh my, and alas,"
"I sat on your melon,"
"It's lodged..."

And then I draw a blank.

SkyePuppy said...

My dear (?) Chris,

I should be really upset with you for that crack!

But it's too funny...

Tsofah said...
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Tsofah said...
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Tsofah said...
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Tsofah said...


I now have a face to put to the name. You guys are funny!