Monday, September 26, 2005

TV's Female President

Let me guess.

When Geena Davis stars in "Commander-in-Chief" her character may not be like Margaret Thatcher. She may not be a conservative. She may not be in favor of engaging radical Islam wherever it may be hiding. She may not want to drill in ANWAR to ease her country's need for oil. She may be a liberal who embraces pro-choice, pro-gay-marriage, and separation of church and state kind of stuff.

Could this be a veiled attempt to prepare the nation for a President Hillary Clinton? Could it? Would Hollywood do that? Surely not. But if she turns out to be a shrieking, object throwing, liberal bi___, and yet turns out to be just what our country needed... then the veil will be off the thing.

I heard on Fox this morning that a group is trying to apply pressure to Condoleeza Rice to run by running a commercial for her in New Hampshire.

But lets put on the breaks here. This woman has described herself as leaning towards being pro-choice. Yes, thats right. I was so very disappointed when I read that. She could fix this problem (that would make her un-electable by keeping the Evangelical Christian vote at home) by making promises about the court. You don't have to be pro-life to be a strict constructionist and believe Roe should be overturned... but if we are going to elect a pro-choice candidate who is a strict constructionist, Rudy Giuliani would be a stronger candidate.

Anyway I plan to tape Commander-in-Chief if I can remember. And, I plan to watch it until the nausea becomes greater than my desire to prove and report back that this post correct.


Bryan Alexander said...

When I first saw the commercial for "Commander-in-Chief," I immediately assumed that this would be a liberal President, but not because it's a female, simple because it's Hollywood. Look at "West Wing" - a liberal democrat. I had not thought about this being a show to prepare the way for Clinton, but that's certainly a good possibility. We'll wait a see. Maybe we'll be suprised and the Geena Davis character will be a female Ronald Reagan. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Chris, I guess great minds think alike. When I saw the commercial for this program the other day, I commented that this was an attempt to pave the way for Hillary. I have heard that the show isn't supposed to be a vehicle for advancing a political agenda. Of course, coming from Hollywood, I'll believe that when I see it.

However, I think that as a practical matter, the show's politics are probably of secondary importance. I would guess that the primary goal is to inculcate in the American public a sense of normalcy when considering a female president. I have a hard time thinking that the timing of this show's production before Hillary's probable run is a coincidence.

Malott said...

Andrew you make a great point about the mental conditioning of the American public towards normalcy on this issue. It may prove fortunate for the country that there is little about Mrs Clinton that resembles normal.

Bryan Alexander said...

Chris, take a look at this article. Madam President, Madam President

Malott said...

Thanks Bryan. Kind of makes you sick, doesn't it. I won't sleep well tonight.