Wednesday, September 28, 2005

President Mackensie Clinton

Anyone who watched "Commander-in-Chief" on ABC last night now knows what this country has needed all along. Oh yes. Vice President Mackensie Allen takes over for a dead president who was a conservative Republican war monger... and you get the feeling that everything is going to be OK now that we have a female liberal like Mackensie Allen in the Oval Office. Her first act is to deftly maneuver aircraft carriers proving that a woman can be militarily savy and tough.

And who is the show's villain? Its that nasty Republican, conservative Speaker of the House Nathan Templeton (Donald Sutherland) of whom Mackensie's staffer said, "Templeton wants book burnings and creationism taught in the classroom!" (Gasp! Not creationism!) His evil is best on display when Mackensie is addressing congress and he causes her teleprompter screen to go blank. What an S.O.B. But Mackensie Clinton, er... Allen... didn't care, cause she didn't need the teleprompter. She calmly spoke "off the cuff " and did a splendid job. Oddly, music was piped into the chamber which made the experience even more stirring.

Yep... this wasn't too hard to figure out.

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