Saturday, July 21, 2012

All the Church is a Stage

I'm developing a new theory about organized religion in America.  I define organized religion as what takes place in those buildings that the Bride of Christ and other believers visit on Sunday mornings.

Maybe it's because we grew up watching television, (which is sitting on your butt and inviting strangers into your home to entertain you - a phenomenon peculiar to the last 60 years)... but in our generation organized religion has come to be all about entertainment and performers.  If the entertainment is good, the numbers increase.  If the entertainment is bad...

My theory is that there are many frustrated orators, frustrated comedians, frustrated rock stars, frustrated musicians... and yes, even frustrated dancers and actors who have found the attention they crave... an audience... a stage... right up there next to the pulpit.  The bad ones play to small audiences, and the good ones play to large audiences. 

I assume that on stage, the Bride is in the minority, just as she is in the audience.  You'd really have to spend Monday through Saturday with these people to find out.

This year I want my life to be more about the Bridegroom and less about this world.  I want to turn off my TV, come out from this ugly culture, and be separate.  I want to pray more, and do a better job of honoring God with my life.  And on Sunday morning, I want to find the best darn show in town.


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