Monday, August 23, 2010

Malott Has Gout

And oh! ... How he has suffered.

So I'm not eating meat, I'm drinking cherry juice, I've finished a round of Prednisone... And this thorn in my flesh is still stealing my abilities to lead a life of pleasure and general fulfillment.

I've also given up drinking red wine on spaghetti night... spaghetti night here defined as an evening when I drink red wine (as did our Savior), and at some point I either eat spaghetti or get sleepy and go to bed. Some conservative Christians might argue that gout is the Lord's way of persuading me to give up the concept of spaghetti night. If so, it worked.

So there it is.

Anyway, if my faithful readers have any home cures for gout, I would welcome their sage council. My current plan is prayer and fasting... If I don't eat... and I pray (and cut out every comfort in my already Spartan and joyless existence...) Surely healing is in the offing. Don't you think? Surely!



Tsofah said...

I'm sorry about you having gout. The only advice I know is don't eat salt, processed cheese stuff like that stuff in a glass jar, and don't eat processed meat like liverwurst or vienna sausages.

Didn't know about wine.

hope you feel better

Grammy said...

All I know about is the cherry juice. So sorry...I know that's painful.

Malott said...

Thanks guys...

I guess no processed cheese and salt means no more Doritos? Dang!

I'm down to hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, and cherry juice. That's no way to live.

Tsofah said...

What about eating broiled or grilled chicken (from home, not fastfood) with Mrs. Dash seasonings on it? Vegetables like you grow in your garden should be good too. Baked potato, or seasoned pasta (no sauce), etc. They should be good for you, I think.

SkyePuppy said...

I'm afraid I'm no help whatsoever on this. I worked with a couple guys who had gout (Is this a men's disease?), but they didn't say what helped and what didn't. They just used a cane for a while, and then they didn't have to. It was like magic. You should try magic...